Our Vision
The emotional health and wellbeing of all members of Langley Green Primary School (including staff, students and parents) is fundamental to our philosophy and ethos of valuing everyone, caring for each other and achieving excellence. At Langley Green Primary School, we recognise that mental health and emotional wellbeing is just as important as our physical health. We pride ourselves on our supportive and caring ethos and our approach is to be respectful and kind, where each individual and contribution is valued. We recognise that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We aim to ensure that everybody is supported to reach their full potential or access help when they need it.
Our Intent
In order to place Mental Health and Wellbeing at the heart of everything we do, we will:
• Ensure MHWB is effectively taught across the school so children can successfully navigate their emotions and have the tools to be resilient, especially through times of challenge and change.
• Ensure a culture of acceptance around MHWB so pupils, staff and parents have the space and confidence to freely discuss problems, concerns, queries and worries.
• Ensure clear and consistent avenues and protocols are in place so that issues arising regarding MHWB are dealt with quickly and effectively.
Staff wellbeing is fundamental to the successful running of the school. It is imperative staffing needs are considered, listened to and made a priority. We will ensure that:
• Staff feel appreciated, respected and valued.
• MHWB is a high priority and is regularly reviewed and monitored.
• Staff feel they have the support, tools and resilience to deal with stressful situations and times.
• The school culture surrounding MHWB is one of acceptance so that staff feel they have avenues of support when they are in need of help through peer support, SLT support and counselling programmes, if required.
• Staff have a clear framework of support in place when dealing with difficult situations involving pupils.
• Staff are made aware of the MHWB support that is available to them.
• The work life balance is a priority and that pressures placed on staff are continually monitored, evaluated and minimalised.
• There are spaces within the school for staff to talk and take ‘protected’ breaks (away from duties and looking after pupils) in a comfortable environment.
At Langley Green Primary School, we take a whole school approach to promoting positive MHWB, aiming to help children become more resilient, happier and lead more fulfilling lives and to work in a pro-active way to avoid problems arising.
We do this by:
• Creating and applying consistent ethos, policies and behaviours that support positive MHWB and resilience, which everyone understands.
• Having time to talk, encouraging all children to talk about things that are on their mind.
• Helping children to develop social relationships, support each other and seek help where they need it.
• Promoting self-esteem and ensuring children understand their importance in the world.
• Helping children to be resilient learners, take risks and manage setbacks.
• Teaching children social and emotional skills.
• Developing an open culture where it’s normal to talk about MHWB.
Universal support:
• We identify and talk about feelings.
• We learn about how feelings effect behaviours.
• We teach children strategies to manage feelings and maintain a positive mental health.
• We learn about the link between mental and physical health.
• We manage transition to secondary school.
• We aim to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and wellbeing.
Targeted support:
All pupils in KS2 will receive CLANGERS wellbeing support in small groups. CLANGERS is based on the traditional Five Ways to Wellbeing model. We take the elements of Connect, Learn, be Active, Take Notice and Give back and add Eat well, Relax and Sleep to give CLANGERS. CLANGERS provides participants with tools to help improve their physical and emotional wellbeing as well as an opportunity to share tips and ideas on how to keep happy and healthy. CLANGERS sessions have been developed to be delivered in a fun and informative way. Ideas and concepts are presented in a practical way which allows everyone to gain from the session regardless of age or ability.
Parents and carers are also offered a CLANGERS group which runs weekly.
Specialist Support
Two play therapists and an Educational Mental Health Practitioner provide more specialist support for pupils who need a more targeted approach or more long term support.
Please contact the school office if you have concerns about your child's mental heath and wellbeing and your concern will be directed to the Senior Mental Health Lead, Miss Lewis.
Wellbeing Ambassadors
The Wellbeing Ambassadors are the friendly faces of the school. They wear a special blue fleece and wear a lanyard so they can be easily identified by staff and pupils if they are needed. They have been chosen to assist with wellbeing around the school.
Their role includes:
• Being around the friendship bench at break and lunch.
• Helping to share mental health awareness.
• Being a friendly face that people can come to if they need to.
• Running wellbeing activities for all.
• Help spread and share positive wellbeing around the school.
We have adopted the DfE wellbeing charter as a school.