
Our intention is to teach our pupils to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
We will teach children to be curious and to ask questions and think critically about the past.
We follow the National Curriculum for History and the vehicle we use to underpin this is Rising Stars History.
Rising Stars History is a complete curriculum programme for primary history which provides 18 half termly units of work to ensure pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s history, their locality and the history of the wider world. It offers complete coverage of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for History (2014) and supports meeting the criteria of the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (2019). From starting points suitable for all, the units develop to provide appropriate challenges for KS1 and KS2 pupils of varying abilities. The units have key questions to develop the use of historical enquiry, as well as a focus on the acquisition and application of key subject knowledge, concepts and vocabulary throughout. Skills, knowledge and understanding in history progress through Year 1 to Year 6, being taught, developed and applied throughout the schemes of work. A range of opportunities are provided to enable all pupils to communicate their knowledge and understanding of the subject. Links are made within and across units to support pupils in making connections and in developing a strong overview of chronology, breadth and local to global history.
For more information please see Rising Stars.
Above are the overview history documents from EYFS to Year 6 at Langley Green Primary School.
The overview will be implemented with a skills progression found above.
Each unit is accompanied by a knowledge organiser and adapted medium term plans. Please see the samples above.
Children will gain a curiosity of the past, and develop their interest in how they fit in to local history and the wider world.
Children will think of themselves as historians with a strong sense of how they fit into the wider world. They will be equipped to continue with their education, also to make broader decisions about their own lives.
Children will achieve age related expectations across the wider curriculum.
Children will be confident in using historical terms and language and have an increasing knowledge and understanding of chronology, subject content and concepts.
Children will develop the skill of checking how reliable the source is and the importance of using a range of evidence.