Our intention is to teach scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding.
We intend to develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries so that children can answer scientific questions about the world around them.
We follow the National Curriculum and the vehicle we use to underpin our science curriculum is Rising Stars- Switched on Science. The science curriculum delivers a coherent curriculum, which helps pupils to progress their knowledge, understanding and skills. We adapt to suit our own school’s context, curriculum, and the enthusiasms and interests of our pupils and colleagues.
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Practical activity is at the core of our science curriculum. The science curriculum develops pupils as independent learners who are curious and willing to ask and answer their own questions. Throughout the science units, teachers use approaches, which scaffold pupils in asking a range of questions and making their own decisions about how to answer them using the five scientific enquiry activities. Linked to developing pupil’s independence, pupils have opportunities to be challenged and reflect on their learning through discussing ideas with adults and their peers, thereby articulating their learning. Progressing pupil’s ability to communicate their understanding and explain their reasoning is central to primary science. There is an expectation that pupils should not only be able to talk about what they have been doing, but also why and what they have learned.
Progression of skills is shown through our planning. Please see an example of a medium term plan below.
Pupils develop their knowledge and skills through a series of planned activities linked to the curriculum which build on previous and personal knowledge. To assess the impact, teachers evaluate the knowledge and skills that pupils have gained against the original expectations of activities (the intent). This is indicated by the outcomes assigned to each activity. What and how well pupils have achieved will be accessed through using a range of approaches to assessment for learning.