Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Information
Mrs S Ashby, Deputy Head & SENDCo
At Langley Green Primary School, we ensure that all pupils have access to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum relevant to their needs. Special needs may be because a child has learning difficulties, has a medical condition, has a physical disability or has emotional and behavioural difficulties. We aim to identify ways in which all pupils can reach their potential and to provide a supportive framework for all pupils with special educational needs (SEND).
Our school policy has been updated to reflect the new Code of Practice for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Please find the SEND Information Report below.
Mrs Ashby our Deputy Head and SENDCo may be contacted via the school email address office@lgprimary.org.uk
If you would like further information about the services offered by West Sussex County Council, please click here to visit the Local Offer website.